Asotin Lions where definitely surprised! DG Ken Allan collected checks from the district this year, to help the Asotin Lions put a new roof on there building totaling $4,308.00. Guests came from Moscow, Troy, Potlatch and Clarkston Lions to join in the presentation!

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Had the pleasure of meeting with the Walla Walla Eastgate Lions Club on March 4th, 2020. I was greeted at the door by the club president and a couple other Lions from the club. Upon walking in I smelled one of my favorite meals, cabbage and corned beef... and it was amazing. 

 Lion Betty took me around to meet all the members and made me feel welcome.
 I understand this club just finished the 29th crab feed fundraiser, and it was very successful. There were comments from different community members on how well it was organized and ran.
 Because I  arrived near evening,  I really didn't have time to take any photos,  or really explore the community.  I did head out the next morning and do a little exploration. Whitman College is beautiful. There are many extraordinary older homes with tree lined streets, and many, many parks. I plan on getting back down that way soon to see some more of the downtown area. 
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Let's start with a little history about the town of Lind. First settled in 1988 on a relatively barren area along the Northern Pacific Railway's main line by the Neilson Brothers,  James and Dugal.

  Wheat farming seems to be the main occupation, with a unique older downtown area to provide for the needs of the community.
 Something a little more of October 2018, Lind Washington boasts the largest solar array in the state, producing enough electricity to power 4,000 homes.
 The Lind Lions Club was first chartered December 20, 1967. This club currently has 41 members and is involved with many community projects. 
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Had a great time visiting the College Place with a beautiful spouse Tammy.

 The College Place Lions were founded in 1962 and has produced multiple District Governors,  Zone Chairs, and outstanding Leadership for our Multiple District. 
 I had the extreme pleasure of inducting four new members into the club during my visitation. Here is something that was I've never seen before. After inducting new Lion Mark Ferraro (sponsor PDG David Walk), I got the pleasure to induct three new Lions, Scott Kasenga, Robert Aguilar, and Chris Plucker        (Mark Ferraro sponsor) "Great job Mark!"
 I found this meeting interesting as some of the College Place Lions, meet via on line... to include the President who was out of town... getting the job done, one way or another. 
 Congratulations College Place Lions
Continuing a proud tradition of membership and service to your community.
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My wife Tammy and I had the pleasure of meeting with the Prescott Lions on Jan 7, 2020.

 Another small farming community with a population of around 350 people. 
 Tammy and I had a chance to walk around the town with our dogs, visit with different people and check out some of the buildings. As I stated before, I love small communities because of how friendly people are.
 We were warmly greeted as we entered the Lions building by all the different members, and were given a tour of the building. (You could see much work had gone into this building,  and how proud they were of it... which brings me to this.)
 I had the extreme pleasure of presenting twi awards to a couple of very deserving Lions.
 Matt Tunell was awarded a Melvin Jones and his wife Patty the Gordon F Smith Care Fellowship. These two members have been very involved with their Lions Club and community service, helped get a wonderful community library building updated, and a remodel of their Lions building just to mention a few things.
 Way to go Prescott Lions!
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Tammy and I had the opportunity to meet with the Zillah Lions on December 10th. This club was chartered in 1938 and has continued to provide many great service projects to their community! They have also provided outstanding leadership to include a District Governor and Zone chairs. I had the pleasure of inducting a couple of new members who I know will continue to serve as their predecessors have always done. If you are in the area, make sure to check out the Tea Pot, Veterans Memorial,  and Firemans Memorial,  truly outstanding!

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Just wanted to say thank you to College Place, Selah Valley, and West Valley Lions Club for entering in your Peace Poster Winners. I have chosen my winner and have sent it onto the Multiple District Council Chairperson JD Nellor for then next level of judging. Sending best wishes to College Place Lions Peace Poster Winner your poster was beautiful. 

Drawn By: Joy Willard (Age 12) - With God's peace in our heart, we can share peace with the world.

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The town of Grangeville Idaho and the Grangeville Lions Club is a five hour drive from my hometown Selah Wa. I have been looking forward to this visitation and seeing what this town and community has to offer.

 As I came into town around lunch time I stopped off at a little cafe named, Amy's Full Belly Deli, and had an outstanding lunch! 

 Proceeding to explore the area,  I found a drive- in theater, a ski area named SnowHaven, a mammoth now on display that was discovered Sept 2, 1994 in Tolo Lake. 

 Grangeville has a population of just a little over 3000, and is the home of the Bulldogs. There is a nice downtown area with many shops to keep you busy. 

 I found the Lions Park that was donated to the city by the Grangeville Lions. It has nice playground equipment, playing fields with lighting,  picnic tables, and a Frisbee disc golf course.

 Some of the Grangeville Lions projects include scholarships for students, White Cane Days, Christmas tree sales, donations for youth soccer and baseball programs just to name a few.

 I was so impressed with how the community supports and depends this club to help out with needs. At the meeting there were two different groups asking for help, and this group of Lions were immediately trying to figure out the best way to help.

 P.S. I'm wondering how many Lions Burgers will a mammoth make?

 Keep up the great work Grangeville!

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I had the opportunity to visit with Potlatch Lions and enjoyed learning about the things this club does. I also enjoyed seeing Zone Chair Melissa Smith and her husband Philip again. 

 I learned that the town of Potlatch had at one time, one of the world's largest lumber mills.
 I also had a chance to visit the memorial wall with the different plaque listing the names of all the town heroes who gave their life's to protect our freedom...Thank you!
 The town itself is mostly built on a hillside over looking a large valley where I'm told the mill site use to be. There are beautiful parks, interesting tourist sites, RV park, a new library where this Lions club meet, many older interesting buildings mixed with newer construction. 
 I enjoyed helping out this club with one of their service projects and fellowship with different members. 
 I continue to see great leadership for our District that is coming from this club and it's Lions.
 Keep up the great work Potlatch Lions!
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I almost brought dinner with me this evening as I drove the highway through rolling hills of farm land... topping a rise and heading down the other side I met a deer standing in the middle of the road, thank goodness the brakes work well!

The Odessa Lions meet at the Old Town Hall on Main Street and have a very nice place for meetings. As I was looking around inside, I saw a new plaque on the wall talking about how the FBLA has raised funds to replace the old windows and how the Odessa Lions have provided the skill and labor to get the job done. (I was told Lion Dale Ramm headed this up and installed a lot of the window himself.)

When I came into town, I couldn't help but notice the military tank sitting in the cemetery and the wall honoring the veterans from their town. They told me the tank is still driven during their community parade, it must be awesome!

Odessa Lions do projects and services for their town that wouldn't happen if this fine group of Lions were not there. I'm told that the Turkey Carnival is always a huge success, along with the crab feed, just to name a few.

And I am proud as a Lion to be associated with these Lions and being able to serve along with them!

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After a 2 1/2 hour drive I arrived in the town of Ritzville Washington. I've only been here a couple of times, mostly for a quick rest while heading to Spokane or Silver Mountain to go skiing. I do remember one time when myself, wife Tammy, and my two daughters had stopped at the park for a break and we ran into the Ritzville Lions doing a bbq and potluck. I remember,  they were very gracious and ask us to join them.

 Tonight I had the pleasure as their District Governor to meet with them again! As I walked up to their meeting hall I was greeted by two Lions, and was introduced to other members as I arrived inside. 
 We were provided a wonderful dinner and then got down to business.  
 One thing I noticed about the Ritzville club is they are very strong with Lions tradition. As a Governor I had no idea there was a Lions song book, but I found out last night they enjoy singing!
 The tail twister did a outstanding job bring fun and helping empty many pockets of those unwanted quarters. 
 I learned that their clubs Turkey raffle- bingo is a huge a huge member sold over 2400 tickets by himself.
 Ritzville Lions also enjoy visiting other clubs. They have a visitation lined up were 17 members are taking a bus along with a 42lb turkey, (not sure what's going to happen, but I bet it's going to be fun!)
 Ritzville Lions has a mix of young and older members...and one celebrated his 91st birthday last night. They also had two new prospective members in attendance last night, with one joining. 
 Great job Lions!
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