I hope that 2021 finds all of you doing well. I thought now would be a good time to send out another email to all the Clubs in the District. The 2nd half of our Lions Year has officially begun.
I thought it would be a good time to remind everyone that Lions Clubs International dues for the 2nd half are now due. A reminder that our Multiple District dues for the second half are also due now.I have heard from a number of you that you are not receiving your dues statement. If you would like to receive a paper statement mailed to you, ask your Treasurer to log into the LCI website ( lionsclubs.org ). Once you are logged in, on the top left look for "My Lions Club." click on that and go down on the drop down to "Statement and Dues."Once you are there, you can click on the circle for "Opt in for Paper Statements." Be sure your mailing information is correct.If you want paper statements for Multiple District 19, email: md19admin@lionsmd19.org and request a paper copy to be mailed to you.
Almost all of the LCI dues are current for the District Clubs, there are a few more clubs that still owe Multiple District 19 from the 1st half of our Lions year. Please check with your Treasurer to be sure you are current with LCI and MD 19 dues.
HAVE YOU RECEIVED AN EMAIL FROM ERIC MIURA? If you have, please share it with the rest of your Club. Eric is the MD 19 GAT Membership Chair and also the person responsible for creating the MD19 COVID Campaign website.Please take some time and go to this website and look at the information. The website address is: md19covidcampaign.com THE NUMBER ONE QUESTION I HAVE RECEIVED IS.... "What are other Clubs doing now?"This website was created to share with all the clubs in the Multiple District what other clubs are doing. There are ideas for projects listed also.
Lions, we need to be active and visible in our communities. My club like most of you has had to cancel all of our annual activities, this does not mean that we cannot be visible and active in the community. Please look at the website and my hope is that you can find ideas on thing you can do in and for your communities.
Vice District Governor Melissa Smith has been involved with a membership initiative that District F will be participating in. I asked her to share a few words about NAMI so you are all aware of our efforts. Please also share this information with your Clubs as you will be hearing more about this for the rest of this year and all of next year.The following is from Vice District Governor Melissa:
"If you haven't heard anything about the North American Membership Initiative (NAMI) allow me to correct that oversight. NAMI is a project by Lions International to help rejuvenate districts, revitalize clubs, and re-motivate Lions in Constitutional Areas 1 & 2 (United States and Canada respectively). This is an ongoing project that District 19F has unofficially joined for the 2020-2021 Lions year. Currently we are looking for Lions in our district to join us in performing a SWOT analysis of MD19-F. (SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.) By performing this analysis we hope to set plans and goals for the District in the near future. We are looking for any and all Lions who would like to participate, so whether you are a current or past club officer, a new or a seasoned Lion, and/or someone who wants to voice feedback about our District ... we want you! Please note that those who attend this discussion will not be obligating themselves to anything beyond this discussion, unless you would like to participate further. If you would like to be added to a list of participants for this discussion, please reach out to VDG Melissa Smith at mel.smith31514@gmail.com or DG Ray Fujiura at raytater_99@yahoo.com."Vice District Governor Melissa SmithPotlatch Lions Club
Lions, this is one of the most important things that we as a District will need to do. We as a District must increase our membership numbers. This has to be our number one priority for the rest of this year into the future. I understand that it will be difficult especially now, that is why we need to continue to be visible during COVID. We also need to stay in touch with one another to continue to support and provide encouragement to each other.Consider joining our team to complete the SWOT analysis. We need your feed back, it is vital so we have a better understanding of what our challenges are.
I wanted to let you know about a new MD19 committee called "Knights of the Blind."This committee was formed during the winter Council of Governors meeting. Knights of the Blind are now gathering information regarding low vision and blind Lions in our district. If you have a low vision or blind person in your Lions Club let us know. Our district representative to Knights of the Blind is Sally Mayo from the Yakima Lions Club.The purpose of this group is to encourage, aid and support our low vision and blind members. What are the needs of our low vision and blind members?
In closing, I would ask that you discuss with your Clubs, the possibility of making a donation to LCIF. Especially now with so much need around the country and the world, your donation is really needed.As of my last report, District F as a district has donated less than $1000 to LCIF. This is well below previous years, I encourage you to make a donation, even if it is only $25. Everything you donate will be of help. Remember that individuals can also donate directly to LCIF by going to lionsclubs.orgI know that in past years, the District Governor has been able to travel to all clubs and meet and visit with you. At this time the DG usually encourages donations to Leader Dogs for the Blind, CARE and LCIF. Because of COVID I have not been able to do this. I can however ask you to bring this to your club and please consider making these donations.
Thank you District F Lions for being Lions and working to serve your communities.ALSO please ask your Secretaries to be sure to report all activities that the Club or that Club members may be participating in.Helping at your local food bank is a reportable item. We need to know what are doing for your communities.Please also remember that Kindness does Matter in your Service.
Ray Fujiura