1 min read
09 Nov

District F Lions, Wow, we had a great virtual convention last Saturday.  There were lots of interesting topics and speakers. There was one topic that was very interesting and I thought I should share it with you. In my communications with the Clubs in the District, the question most asked me is "What are other Clubs doing during the Pandemic." A lot of Clubs are just now starting to meet, clubs have had to cancel major projects and fund raising events. Take heart Lions as there are Clubs that have been successful even during this time.  One of the speakers Eric Miura put it best. "There are opportunities during times of difficulty...."  Their club has managed to be successful and to increase membership as well. I am writing to let you know that in a week or so, you will be getting an email from the Multiple District.  Not sure what the subject line will be but it will be something like: "MD19 COVID Campaign" I AM ASKING YOU to please take a look at this information.  The information will be about what other clubs are doing, their successes and their not so successful projects.  This is exactly what we've been asking for. There will be projects from easy to more complicated that we can adapt and complete.  Please take the time to examine this material..  Eric's email address listed so take the time to let him know if this is what you need. Initially this will be mailed to Club officers, the hope is that everyone inputs what is working and what is not, so we as a Multiple District can learn and be successful together.  Great idea.... I am hopeful and optimistic that this will help every club in the district if we are open enough to give this a try. Once again, please look for this email and please take the time to view the material. Thank you again for your service to your communities. DG Ray "Kindness Matters when Serving our Communities.."

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