Lions Peace Poster Information image
Peace Poster Theme for 2024-2025 year:  "Peace Without Limits"
For peace to be anything more than a possibility, we need to make it a priority. This year, we’re asking our young students to create a poster that speaks to our world’s infinite potential for kindness once we commit to pursuing the idea of peace without limits.

Peace Poster Contest Deadlines
Students ages 11, 12 or 13 as of November 15 are eligible to participate in the International Peace Poster Contest. Entries not meeting the following deadlines will be disqualified.
  • January 15: Kits go on sale from the Club Supplies Sales Department at International Headquarters.
  • October 1: Deadline to purchase kits from the Club Supplies Sales Department at International Headquarters.
  • November 15: Postmark deadline for a club to send one winning poster (per contest sponsored) to the district governor.
  • December 1: Postmark deadline for a district governor to send one winning district poster to multiple district council chairperson.
  • December 1: Postmark deadline for a district governor not belonging to a multiple district to send one winning poster to the Brand & Creative Department at International Headquarters.
  • December 1: Postmark deadline for a club not belonging to a district to send one winning entry to the Brand & Creative Department at International Headquarters.
  • December 15: Postmark deadline for the multiple district council chairperson to send one winning poster to the Brand & Creative Department at International Headquarters.
  • February 1: International winners notified on or before this date.

Order a Peace Poster Contest Kit
To sponsor the Peace Poster Contest, Lions clubs can order a contest kit from January 15 to October 1. The kit is available in 12 of our official languages. A kit is needed for each contest sponsored.
The 2024-2025 Contest
Peace Without Limits
Each kit contains:
  • Official Club Contest Guide and Rules
  • Official School or Youth Group Contest Guide and Rules
  • Participant Flyer to duplicate and give to participating students to take home
  • Sticker to place on back of winning poster
  • Certificates for contest winner and school or youth group
Click Here to order your Peace Poster Kit Today
PPK1EN   $11.95