1 min read
29 Mar

District F Lions,
On April 1st the District F Elections Committee will be sending out your voting instructions and ballots. The voting period is from April 1st until April 15th, please take the few minutes to read the instructions and submit your ballot(s).This is time sensitive.
Since we are having a Virtual Conference this year, we need to complete the elections in this manner.
Also please take the time to check with your Club Treasurer to see if your dues are current with MD19 and with LCI. If your dues are not current you will not be receiving your club ballot(s) on the 1st. Please do this now, after April 1st it will be too late for your to cast your ballot.
The results of this election will be announce on May 15th 2021 during our District F Spring Conference. A reminder that the Conference is virtual this year, the registration cost is only $5.00 and that includes 5 raffle tickets for some awesome gifts. The conference committee will be sending out information as we get closer. Please go to the website to register and to get more information about the Conference.
The website address is: http://www.19fdistrictgovernor.com 

Please register today!
Ray Fujiura
"Kindness does Matter when Serving in our Communities...."

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