1 min read
20 Nov

What is the MD19 Covid Campaign?

Thank you to all Lions Clubs for responding quickly and sharing your Covid service activities. The MD19 Covid Campaign is a platform for all members to access the creative service projects that have been successfully launched during these unprecedented times by members and clubs in MD19.
The Covid Campaign will be emailing all 10,000+ MD19 members directly with a weekly inspirational project bulletin showcasing the creative capabilities of our fellow Lions. We have also launched the Covid Campaign website. This can be accessed via the MD19 website or by clicking the link below.
This campaign is driven by you, the Members! Please share your stories, both success and failures so that we may all band together and ensure that we can serve our communities safely and successfully.

Club Safety Officer

Do you have one? Covid or not a Club Safety Officer is a member whose specific task is both member and public safety during any Lions service.
Need more info click on the link below!https://md19covidcampaign.weebly.com/safety-officer-job-description1.html

Share one idea at a time!

Fill out the form and along with 1-4 high res photos share your club covid service activities to be included in our weekly bulletin!


Happy to help!

For any questions or assistance feel free to email
Eric Miura, MD19 GAT Membership Chair
* The email will not be published on the website.