Hope everyone has been staying safe and continuing to do Lions work.
I haven't sent out a message in a while so thought send a quick update on what is going on.
First of all, a reminder that THIS WEEKEND!!! is the MD 19 District Convention.  This year it is completely on line. For the $20 registration fee, you have access to over 50 seminars live and to access them online later on.  What a great opportunity to educate yourself about Lions and what other Clubs are doing.

MD19 Lions—Welcome

No hotel rooms, no travel, no meals and you have access to everything plus breakout sessions.  It is this coming weekend so call your Club members and remind everyone to sign up for this event.

A reminder that November is Diabetes Awareness Month.  Does your Club have any activities planned to raise awareness about Diabetes?  Let us know what you are planning to do please.

I've been to a few Clubs now and and will also be participating in a few more virtual visitations.  At my visits, I've been promoting 4 worthwhile causes.  They are
Leader Dog for the Blind
CARE - our MD19 project this year is to promote education for girls 10 to 18 in Haiti
LERC - help support our NW Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center with a donation
LCIF - Lions Clubs International Foundation 
I understand that most Clubs have had to cancel their major fundraising events this year, please consider a small donation of $25.00 to each of these causes.

I've also been promoting a project called NAMI or North American Membership Institute. I have been asking Clubs have at least 1 membership recruiting event this year.
This is very important, we need to grow our District as our numbers are falling. 
Even though we've all been dealing with this pandemic Clubs in North America have been able to add membership.  You may be wondering how Clubs have been able to do this.
It sounds kind of silly and we've all heard this before.  These clubs have been asking people to join.
Think about this, just ask someone to become a Lions, at the least it will start a conversation about what Lions Clubs are and why it is important to be a LIon.
1st Vice District Governor Melissa Smith will be talking about NAMI a lot more next year so get a start on membership now.

There are a number of Clubs that have still not sent in an reports this year.  Please, please ask your Club Secretary to report what is going on with your club.  Again, it is difficult but I am sure that all of you have something to report.  Did any of you participate in any Halloween activities?  
If your Club is just getting around to meeting now, then report your officers for this year.  Also please speak to your Treasurers about MD 19 dues and Lions Clubs International dues.  

I wanted to thank everyone for being Lions, what a great organization this is.  Please continue to meet with your fellow Lions and continue to do the great works you do in your communities.  Small acts of kindness will ripple through your communities... also remember that what you do locally can affect a Global community.  You just need to tell us about it.

Thanks Again District F Lions,

DG Ray Fujiura

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Subject:      Evans  Canyon Fire

I have been contacted by Michele Roth, the executive director for the Red Cross in this area.

She has informed me that no supplies, water, food, etc. are needed at this time.

The needs of over 100 families are being met with shelter, meals, emotional and health support.

What is needed is money to support this ongoing effort.

For those who wish to support the cause individually, checks can be sent to the following address:

                                                 American Red Cross

                                                 P.O. Box 3097

                                                 Seattle, WA 9811

                                                 Identify funds for “Evans Canyon Fire”


We will likewise bring up this need at our next board meeting on the 15th to see if our club will provide a corporate donation. We are now in a reserve mode.  We will be contacted if our services are needed. We are thankful for the response and format provided by Duane Lyons and Robert Bowman which we will hopefully utilize at some point. As for now we are on stand by.  Thank you one and all for your willingness to serve!



John E. Anderson


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As of Thursday Morning
SELAH, Wash. -- The Evans Canyon Fire has grown to an estimated 52,000 acres, and 0% contained, according to officials.

Selah Valley Lions Club donated Water, Gatorade, and Snacks for the firefighters and evacuees on Tuesday Afternoon at the Yakima Red Cross.

Naches Lions Club has asked anyone who can help to please donate as well, non-perishable food and water to the Red Cross in Yakima with a note for the Evans Canyon Fire for it's destination.

Red Cross Yakima WA Address:
302 S 2nd Street, Yakima WA

If anyone would like to help out Katherine at Nana Kates in Selah WA has been asked to make lunches for the firefighters and evacuees and could really use help please call her at (509) 697-4804 and let her know your from the Lions Club and would like to help her.

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District F Lions,

Hello, I hope you are all doing well.  The District F Cabinet met last Saturday the 25th.  We had a great meeting and a lot of ideas were discussed.  Your Club will be contacted by Cabinet Chair so please watch for those emails.  The Cabinet Chairs are excited to share their thoughts and ideas with you.

I hope that your Club is meeting regularly.  Please plan of doing so if you are not.  I know that a lot of projects have had to be canceled because of COVID.  I also feel strongly that we need to continue to meet as Lions.  We could be calling each other, or using one of many virtual platforms that are available.  It is important that we meet and continue to Serve our communities.

Clubs are being very creative in their service, Please report what you've been doing to LCI and send me a quick note so I can share your creative ideas with the other clubs in the district.  I've heard of various "drive-thru" events.  Some clubs in  MD 19 have held Drive-thru food sales as fund raisers.  Now is the time to be creative AND safe in our Service.

What projects can we do outdoors while socially distancing?

Again, please send me a note of what you are doing so we can share it with the rest of the district.  It is a challenging time, I am confident that we as Lions will figure out a way through it.

I've also attached a couple of flyers for you to share with your Club members.  We have 2 more officer training opportunities, one on  Aug. 15th and another on Sept 12.   If you have not held club officer training, here are two more chances to do so.

Possibly contact all of your members and have the entire club attend as a Club meeting.

Finally it is important that you as Club officers share information with your membership, please feel free to forward any of my emails to your membership.  Let's stay connected, in this way we can help each other.

Thank you Lions!

Ray Fujiura
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 I received this information from Al Hedstrom who is our Multiple District Council Chair for this Lions year.  
Recently I also sent out an email encouraging you to continue to meet during this COVID19 times.  I really feel that it is important for us to keep in touch with each other even though we may not be able to meet in person.
I hope the information below will be helpful to you to continue your club meetings.

This year, our International President is Dr. Jung-Yul Choi.  If his name sounds familiar, it is because he is repeating as our International President.  I think most of you are aware that our 1st Vice President Judge Haynes H. Townsend passed suddenly in December of 2019.  Lions Clubs International board of Directors decided that we will keep in place the Board and Officers for this Lions year.
President Choi's theme for this year is "United in Kindness and Diversity."
Please take a few seconds to watch the video below and share it with your clubs.

Presidential Theme | Lions Clubs International

Presidential Theme | Lions Clubs International

We are having our first District Cabinet meeting on Saturday July 25th at 10 am via Zoom.  I am hoping it goes well.  Lol... I've been watching the videos and tutorials but sometimes things happen.
Send me an email if you would like a link.
-Ray Fujiura
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Marie Vogel was drawn as the MD19F Lions Raffle winner. Watch live drawing at the link below!

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Zoom Meetings on 

July 11 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM


July 18 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM


This workshop is held over two days and will enrich your leadership skills and enable you to take on further responsibility within your zone. Details about this workshop are listed below.

Pre-Assignments :  https://webmail.fairpoint.net/service/home/~/?auth=co&loc=en_US&id=46641&part=2 

There are two parts to your pre-assignment. The first part is the Preparing for Your Term as Zone Chairperson assignment, which you will find attached to this email. If you have any trouble accessing it, go to the Lions Club International webpage www.lionsclubs.org and use the search term Zone Chairperson Workshop. Download the pre-assignment from that page and print it out for your use.

The second part of the pre-assignment is to take three online courses:

1.       Goal Setting and Action Planning

2.       Conflict Resolution

3.       Effective Listening

You will find these courses in the Lions Learning Center. Attached to this email is a PowerPoint on “How to Access the Lions Learning Centre” that you might find beneficial.

Take time to complete the Zone Chairperson Workshop pre-assignments prior to attending class as the knowledge you gain from these pre-assignments will be used throughout the workshop. Please download and review the Zone and Region Chairperson e-Book before attending the workshop.

If you indicated in the survey that you are not already signed up for MyLion App, I will be in contact with you shortly to help you do that.  You will require your membership number; if you do not know your number please let me know and I will have it available.

Workshop in ZOOM Meeting Format

The format we will be using for the two workshop sessions is Zoom.  If you indicated that you were not familiar with this format, I will contact you in advance to introduce you to Zoom.  It is fairly user-friendly and fun to use.  You will receive a Zoom meeting notice (with link) closer to the date of training.  During the two days of the workshop, if you are having difficulty accessing Zoom, please call:

Sharon (USA) 1-360-412-0225

Wanda (Canada) 1-250-851-5292

 Al (Both Canada and USA) 1-360-621-8713

The facilitators and I are looking forward to meeting you and helping you gain knowledge for your successful year.  Please do not hesitate to contact me at lionwandac@gmail.com if I can be of assistance in any way.


Wanda Carisse

MD19 Global Leadership Team Leader

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Ray Fujiura- Governor Elect        Melissa Smith - 1st Vice Governor Elect


 I have received and forwarded the votes to Lions Club International and MD19.

 Please provide any assistance you can, during this time of uncertainty. Remember,  this is a fun yet trying job, and both of these fine Lions will need your help.

 Both Ray and Melissa will assume their respected jobs on July 1st, 2020.

 It has been a pleasure working with all of you. I hope to see all soon!

 District Governor 19F

 Ken Allan

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Are you missing out on your convention? Do you like awesome Lions learning experiences?

Then sign up for the Lions Virtual Symposium which is happening on Saturday April 25th!

Join Lions from around the world in a day of virtual learning featuring presentations and discussions about the future of Lionism.

Keynote Speaker: International 2nd Vice President Brian Sheehan

Guest Speakers: PID Steve Glass, PID Lewis Quinn, PDG Jodi Burmester, & the Young Lions Task Force.

Come and spend an afternoon learning how Lions are adapting to the digital age and imagining new ways to empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, promote peace, and encourage international understanding through Lions club.

Hosted by the Young Lions Task Force.

To register click here:

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Fellow Lions, Friends and Family,

It is with deep concern for the safety of everyone, that we have decided to cancel the Spring Conference for District F.  Full refunds for the conference will be going out within the week.

We are hopefully to find a mutual date, later this Spring to hold a day meeting and finalize the voting.  As well as do the drawing for the $1000 prize raffle.  If you have any tickets, please send those back right away to my office at 312 S 1st Street Selah WA  98942.

This is the time when Lions stand strong together.


Lion DG Ken Allan

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