2 min read
05 Nov

Hope everyone has been staying safe and continuing to do Lions work.
I haven't sent out a message in a while so thought send a quick update on what is going on.
First of all, a reminder that THIS WEEKEND!!! is the MD 19 District Convention.  This year it is completely on line. For the $20 registration fee, you have access to over 50 seminars live and to access them online later on.  What a great opportunity to educate yourself about Lions and what other Clubs are doing.

MD19 Lions—Welcome

No hotel rooms, no travel, no meals and you have access to everything plus breakout sessions.  It is this coming weekend so call your Club members and remind everyone to sign up for this event.

A reminder that November is Diabetes Awareness Month.  Does your Club have any activities planned to raise awareness about Diabetes?  Let us know what you are planning to do please.

I've been to a few Clubs now and and will also be participating in a few more virtual visitations.  At my visits, I've been promoting 4 worthwhile causes.  They are
Leader Dog for the Blind
CARE - our MD19 project this year is to promote education for girls 10 to 18 in Haiti
LERC - help support our NW Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center with a donation
LCIF - Lions Clubs International Foundation 
I understand that most Clubs have had to cancel their major fundraising events this year, please consider a small donation of $25.00 to each of these causes.

I've also been promoting a project called NAMI or North American Membership Institute. I have been asking Clubs have at least 1 membership recruiting event this year.
This is very important, we need to grow our District as our numbers are falling. 
Even though we've all been dealing with this pandemic Clubs in North America have been able to add membership.  You may be wondering how Clubs have been able to do this.
It sounds kind of silly and we've all heard this before.  These clubs have been asking people to join.
Think about this, just ask someone to become a Lions, at the least it will start a conversation about what Lions Clubs are and why it is important to be a LIon.
1st Vice District Governor Melissa Smith will be talking about NAMI a lot more next year so get a start on membership now.

There are a number of Clubs that have still not sent in an reports this year.  Please, please ask your Club Secretary to report what is going on with your club.  Again, it is difficult but I am sure that all of you have something to report.  Did any of you participate in any Halloween activities?  
If your Club is just getting around to meeting now, then report your officers for this year.  Also please speak to your Treasurers about MD 19 dues and Lions Clubs International dues.  

I wanted to thank everyone for being Lions, what a great organization this is.  Please continue to meet with your fellow Lions and continue to do the great works you do in your communities.  Small acts of kindness will ripple through your communities... also remember that what you do locally can affect a Global community.  You just need to tell us about it.

Thanks Again District F Lions,

DG Ray Fujiura

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