1 min read
08 Sep

Subject:      Evans  Canyon Fire

I have been contacted by Michele Roth, the executive director for the Red Cross in this area.

She has informed me that no supplies, water, food, etc. are needed at this time.

The needs of over 100 families are being met with shelter, meals, emotional and health support.

What is needed is money to support this ongoing effort.

For those who wish to support the cause individually, checks can be sent to the following address:

                                                 American Red Cross

                                                 P.O. Box 3097

                                                 Seattle, WA 9811

                                                 Identify funds for “Evans Canyon Fire”


We will likewise bring up this need at our next board meeting on the 15th to see if our club will provide a corporate donation. We are now in a reserve mode.  We will be contacted if our services are needed. We are thankful for the response and format provided by Duane Lyons and Robert Bowman which we will hopefully utilize at some point. As for now we are on stand by.  Thank you one and all for your willingness to serve!



John E. Anderson


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