1 min read
30 Jul
District F Lions,

Hello, I hope you are all doing well.  The District F Cabinet met last Saturday the 25th.  We had a great meeting and a lot of ideas were discussed.  Your Club will be contacted by Cabinet Chair so please watch for those emails.  The Cabinet Chairs are excited to share their thoughts and ideas with you.

I hope that your Club is meeting regularly.  Please plan of doing so if you are not.  I know that a lot of projects have had to be canceled because of COVID.  I also feel strongly that we need to continue to meet as Lions.  We could be calling each other, or using one of many virtual platforms that are available.  It is important that we meet and continue to Serve our communities.

Clubs are being very creative in their service, Please report what you've been doing to LCI and send me a quick note so I can share your creative ideas with the other clubs in the district.  I've heard of various "drive-thru" events.  Some clubs in  MD 19 have held Drive-thru food sales as fund raisers.  Now is the time to be creative AND safe in our Service.

What projects can we do outdoors while socially distancing?

Again, please send me a note of what you are doing so we can share it with the rest of the district.  It is a challenging time, I am confident that we as Lions will figure out a way through it.

I've also attached a couple of flyers for you to share with your Club members.  We have 2 more officer training opportunities, one on  Aug. 15th and another on Sept 12.   If you have not held club officer training, here are two more chances to do so.

Possibly contact all of your members and have the entire club attend as a Club meeting.

Finally it is important that you as Club officers share information with your membership, please feel free to forward any of my emails to your membership.  Let's stay connected, in this way we can help each other.

Thank you Lions!

Ray Fujiura
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