1 min read
16 Jul

 I received this information from Al Hedstrom who is our Multiple District Council Chair for this Lions year.  
Recently I also sent out an email encouraging you to continue to meet during this COVID19 times.  I really feel that it is important for us to keep in touch with each other even though we may not be able to meet in person.
I hope the information below will be helpful to you to continue your club meetings.

This year, our International President is Dr. Jung-Yul Choi.  If his name sounds familiar, it is because he is repeating as our International President.  I think most of you are aware that our 1st Vice President Judge Haynes H. Townsend passed suddenly in December of 2019.  Lions Clubs International board of Directors decided that we will keep in place the Board and Officers for this Lions year.
President Choi's theme for this year is "United in Kindness and Diversity."
Please take a few seconds to watch the video below and share it with your clubs.

Presidential Theme | Lions Clubs International

Presidential Theme | Lions Clubs International

We are having our first District Cabinet meeting on Saturday July 25th at 10 am via Zoom.  I am hoping it goes well.  Lol... I've been watching the videos and tutorials but sometimes things happen.
Send me an email if you would like a link.
-Ray Fujiura
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