1 min read
20 Nov

District F Lions, In my last email to you I spoke about a new project that MD 19 was undertaking. As I visit with Clubs one of the most asked questions I get is, "what are other clubs doing now? "This is the information MD 19 is trying to track and share with everyone in the Multiple District.
This email was sent to all the Club Presidents and Secretaries in the Multiple District, I sent out a "heads-up" to look for it a week or so ago. Please, please take some time to look at the website and participate. There are clubs in this district that are still working on projects, we want your input so please send your information to Eric Miura. His email address is listed on the website. Eric is looking for both your success and also things that have not been successful.
I felt this was important enough to send it out to you also. We need to continue to meet as Lions ,we need to continue to do projects as Lions, we need to be visible in our Communities and WE NEED TO INCREASE OUR MEMBERSHIP NUMBERS.
Thank you Lions for all you do in your communities.
Ray Fujiura
"Kindness Matters when Serving our Communities..."

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