1 min read
13 Nov

I almost brought dinner with me this evening as I drove the highway through rolling hills of farm land... topping a rise and heading down the other side I met a deer standing in the middle of the road, thank goodness the brakes work well!

The Odessa Lions meet at the Old Town Hall on Main Street and have a very nice place for meetings. As I was looking around inside, I saw a new plaque on the wall talking about how the FBLA has raised funds to replace the old windows and how the Odessa Lions have provided the skill and labor to get the job done. (I was told Lion Dale Ramm headed this up and installed a lot of the window himself.)

When I came into town, I couldn't help but notice the military tank sitting in the cemetery and the wall honoring the veterans from their town. They told me the tank is still driven during their community parade, it must be awesome!

Odessa Lions do projects and services for their town that wouldn't happen if this fine group of Lions were not there. I'm told that the Turkey Carnival is always a huge success, along with the crab feed, just to name a few.

And I am proud as a Lion to be associated with these Lions and being able to serve along with them!

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