1 min read
19 Jan

Had a great time visiting the College Place with a beautiful spouse Tammy.

 The College Place Lions were founded in 1962 and has produced multiple District Governors,  Zone Chairs, and outstanding Leadership for our Multiple District. 
 I had the extreme pleasure of inducting four new members into the club during my visitation. Here is something that was I've never seen before. After inducting new Lion Mark Ferraro (sponsor PDG David Walk), I got the pleasure to induct three new Lions, Scott Kasenga, Robert Aguilar, and Chris Plucker        (Mark Ferraro sponsor) "Great job Mark!"
 I found this meeting interesting as some of the College Place Lions, meet via on line... to include the President who was out of town... getting the job done, one way or another. 
 Congratulations College Place Lions
Continuing a proud tradition of membership and service to your community.
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