1 min read
07 Jan

My wife Tammy and I had the pleasure of meeting with the Prescott Lions on Jan 7, 2020.

 Another small farming community with a population of around 350 people. 
 Tammy and I had a chance to walk around the town with our dogs, visit with different people and check out some of the buildings. As I stated before, I love small communities because of how friendly people are.
 We were warmly greeted as we entered the Lions building by all the different members, and were given a tour of the building. (You could see much work had gone into this building,  and how proud they were of it... which brings me to this.)
 I had the extreme pleasure of presenting twi awards to a couple of very deserving Lions.
 Matt Tunell was awarded a Melvin Jones and his wife Patty the Gordon F Smith Care Fellowship. These two members have been very involved with their Lions Club and community service, helped get a wonderful community library building updated, and a remodel of their Lions building just to mention a few things.
 Way to go Prescott Lions!
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