1 min read
20 Nov

I had the opportunity to visit with Potlatch Lions and enjoyed learning about the things this club does. I also enjoyed seeing Zone Chair Melissa Smith and her husband Philip again. 

 I learned that the town of Potlatch had at one time, one of the world's largest lumber mills.
 I also had a chance to visit the memorial wall with the different plaque listing the names of all the town heroes who gave their life's to protect our freedom...Thank you!
 The town itself is mostly built on a hillside over looking a large valley where I'm told the mill site use to be. There are beautiful parks, interesting tourist sites, RV park, a new library where this Lions club meet, many older interesting buildings mixed with newer construction. 
 I enjoyed helping out this club with one of their service projects and fellowship with different members. 
 I continue to see great leadership for our District that is coming from this club and it's Lions.
 Keep up the great work Potlatch Lions!
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