1 min read
14 Oct

I had the pleasure of meeting with the Wapato Lions Club last night at the American Legion Hall. I was told Lions had been offered the use of this building for meetings so they would have a place until things get settled with their clubhouse. 

 I found there is strong leadership in this club and they truly have a willingness to serve their community. 
 We had a awesome discussion time on the projects they do and I saw some great pictures in the paper from the recent Tamale Festival. 
 Here is another club who works hard to provide services to the community,  but is struggling to find new members. I do believe they are on the right track, and with a little assistance from their zone will continue doing great things as their predecessors did before them. 
 Just a heads up, there is a good possibility that Zones F1 & F2 will be having a combined zone meeting in Wapato sometime soon,  so be watching for a announcement... and let's pack this meeting out, and show our support!

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