1 min read
07 Nov

I arrived just before dark. This made getting pictures a little more difficult. Surrounded by pine, and cedar trees, homes on the hillsides, and farms not far away, is the wonderful small town of Troy Idaho. The Lion's logo on the sign attached to their building is large and proud, right on the main street as you come into downtown. 

 Troy has a amazing club house, that is not only used by the Lions, but for community projects such as blood drives.  
 Troy Lions love their town and the people who live there as you can tell when you talk with their members. Like all Lion Clubs, they do many projects,  but the largest is the buffalo hunt raffle which brings in over $30,000 that goes back out for services.
 One thing I learned was be careful when driving or walking downtown,  there are wild moose living in the area.
 Troy Lions have always contributed to LCIF and not to many years back were the recipients of a matching grant to help add on to their fire station. They know personally why Lions should support LCIF, and continue to give.
 Way to go Troy Lions!
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