1 min read
09 Oct

Touchet Gardena Lions... where in the heck is their club house? Or a least that was what I was thinking after my third loop around their town.

 I finally went to my old standby and googled directions. This club has a very nice clubhouse that belongs to  the school district,  but is used by the community for different functions. 
 I was warmly greeted by different Lions as they came in and was introduced to others. 
  After a little social time, they broke for a homemade dinner and dessert,  more about this later. 
 I was given the floor to speak with the members and share what was going on with Lions of the District and Lions Club International, we had a great question and answer time.
 This club is made up of men Lions (36 members)who actively support their community, school scholarships, little league, homecoming and service when called upon.  
 After I ask them to come to my Spring Conference, they purchased a $100 dollars of raffle tickets to support the ongoing Childhood  Cancer Research Project. 
 Back to the dinner... as the meeting was getting ready to end, someone ask about the auction. This club auctions off any leftover food or dessert to their members to help put a little money in their coffers, and so nothing goes to waste. 
 As a District Governor, I'm humbled to meet so many awesome Lions and thank them for giving me the opportunity to be of service. 
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