1 min read
15 Oct

Well, what can I say about the men's Toppenish Lions Club... Or mabey what should I say?

 If you've never been to a Toppenish meeting, your in for a experience. This is a joking, fun loving group, and if your not careful, you just might become part of their joke. Watch out for the tail twister, he will will help make your wallet lighter!
 I've had the opportunity to meet with this club two different times over the last year,  once for a zone meeting  and once as their District Governor and both times I was amazed at how much this group of hardworking Lions do for their community.  This group of men are involved with multiple projects to include; Train to no where, Ranch Party, Zombie Run, just to name a few.
 They will be cooking steaks for the Spring Conference in March of 2020 in Selah, Wa., and if you enjoy good bbq steak, you might want to consider being there.
 I would like to say right now how lucky the town of Toppenish is to have a great group of Lions looking out for them. Here's to you Toppenish Lions!
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