1 min read
04 Nov

I arrived at Zappo's to meet with the Pullman Lions Club. I walked in and saw a bar and bowling alley and almost turned around thinking I had the wrong place, when someone pointed to my blazer crest and a sign that matched on one of the doors. Inside I met a diverse group of individuals to include one past Kiwanis member...(she said these Lions were fun to be around. )

 I enjoyed a great time of fellowship with this large group of men and women Lions, watched some outstanding tail twisting, had the opportunity to present a MD 19 Secretary Excellence Award to their secretary, one of only two awarded...congratulations! 
 I understand this is another club that doesn't meet during the summer months, do to this being a farming community.
 Check out this club's Facebook page. It's well done and helps you understand all the different things this club has to offer, and does for the community. 
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