1 min read
07 Sep

MD19 District Governors, Newsletter Editors and other friends of KOTB, Attached are the agenda of tonight’s KOTB Meeting, last month’s notes, and the White Cane Awareness Day Article as seen in the Border Crossing. Please feel welcome to attend, as usual.  However, since Andy and I will not be available to host the ZOOM call, Vice Chair, Danette Dixon is providing the following link, just for tonight’s meeting. Topic: KOTB September Meeting Time: Sep 7, 2021 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83482599037?pwd=dEdsbWpjVVZUaFlTeGM4VVJnNmZqdz09 Meeting ID: 834 8259 9037Passcode: 116805 One tap mobile+12532158782,,83482599037# Colette Arvidson, Secretary on behalf of Andy Arvidson, ChairMD19 Lions Knights of the Blind(360)391-5880 Agenda 09/07/2021 MeetingMD19 Lions Knights of the Blind, 1st Tuesday of each month, 6:30 PM Pacific Time Special ZOOM Link to be added by Danette Dixon for this meeting only.6:30 PM: Call to order, Welcome by Vice Chair and ZOOM protocol6:35 PM: Roll Call, Approval of August 2021 Meeting minutes (attached) 6:40 PM: District Representatives Panel on who and how to contact Lions in our Districts. Chad Lewis, Chris Jones, will conduct a presentation and follow with open discussion, Q&A.7:30 PM: White Cane Awareness Day Committee Danette Dixon7:40 PM: Old business7:50 PM: New Business – Jan Barber, Federal Way Lions Club, new Music Scholarship8:00 PM: Adjourn

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