1 min read
04 Jan

Here is the ZOOM Link:MD19 Lions Knights of the Blind, January 4, 2022, 6:30 PM Pacific Time, 1st Tuesday of each month
Meeting ID: 862 5021 3577 Passcode: 223596
One tap mobile +12532158782,,86250213577#,,,,*223596#

6:30 PM call to order and roll call
6:35 PM Secretary and last months minutes
6:40 PM Chair and Vice-Chair report
6:50 PM District Representatives reports
7:10 PM Jan Barber of Federal Way Lions presentation about distribution of pamphlet on behalf of the South King Council of the Blind to local Ophthalmologists.
7:25 PM new year resolution for KOTB.

Sent on Behalf of KOTB Chair, Andy Arvidson In Lionism, Colette Arvidson, Secretary MD 19 Lions Knights of the Blind

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