2 min read
05 Apr

Dear District Governors and other Friends of Knights of the Blind, As you probably know, meetings of MD19 Lions Knights of the Blind Committee are open to all interested parties.  Attached are last months minutes, pending approval, as well as our April Agenda and ZOOM information. Please feel welcome to join  us this Tuesday. In Lionism, Colette Arvidson, SecretaryMD19 Lions Knights of the Blind On behalf of KOTB Chair, Andy Arvidson

KOTB Meeting Agenda – Tuesday, April 6, 2021, 6:30-8:00 PM

Here is the ZOOM link information for this and upcoming meetings:

MD19 Knights of the Blind, March 2, 6:30 PM https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86250213577?pwd=RVJub3RhcVo5ZUFMRERuM3pGT2JpZz09Meeting ID: 862 5021 3577    Passcode: 223596One tap mobile   +12532158782,,86250213577#,,,,*223596# 

6:30PM Call to order, Welcome, and directions from Vice Chair on ZOOM protocol:

If you are not speaking it is best to stay muted to block background noises. After you speak, please remember to go back on mute. PC:  Raise/lower hands: Alt Y    Mute/Unmute: Alt A                        Mac Computer:  Raise/lower hands: Option Y, Mute/Unmute: Command Shift A Smart phone App:  Raise/lower hands: More at lower right hand corner find option raise hand,  Mute/Unmute: Mute button on lower left hand corner                        Land line phone:  Raise/lower hands: *9    Mute/Unmute: *6                         Raise hands to speak, participants will say their name before speaking, limit comments to 2 minutes per person, all who want to must have a chance to speak before a second comment on same topic 

6:35 Roll Call, Approval of February Meeting minutes (attached), Secretary’s Report: Approve March 2, 2021 minutes.


6:40 Chair Report


6:50 Vice Chair Report


7:00 Snohomish Sight & Hearing Foundation report: Janet George


7:10 Tech Committee Report: Judy Jones


7:15    District Rep Guidelines:

          Create your contact list. DG, Zone Reps, Clubs, DGs want monthly updates          Provide monthly report of activities/calls to KOTB          Identify number of blind or visually impaired members in your District          Connect with local clubs          Share info from minutes and/or write article for District Newsletters          Meet with KOTB Chair or Vice Chair if needed 

7:25 Helen Keller Birthday Celebration Proposal: Art Ruben


7:40 Lions Memorial Garden: Art Ruben


7:50 New business


8:00 Adjourn


In Lionism, Colette Arvidson, SecretaryMD19 Lions Knights of the Blind Committee

* The email will not be published on the website.