1 min read
23 Oct

Kendrick is another small farming community, the sign as you enter the city says population 369.

 As I drove and walked around this afternoon,  I enjoyed seeing the beautiful river running next to the town, the trees that were in their fall splendor, and the rolling hillsides of all the farms. In town you will see little shops and a cute city park. 
I also noticed almost every business had a Historic Tour sign on it with a name of the original business and date.
 There is a paved pathway along the river that offers a opportunity to get a little exercise and enjoy the beautiful pine covered hillsides. 
 Now about the Kendrick Lions: I walked in about 6pm and was warmly greeted by some of their members. I found out that one member has three generations of off spring as lions. Also Lion Darell Brocke has been involved with the Lions/town blood drive since 1962. 
 This is another one if the clubs that don't meet in the summer,  but get busy with projects in the fall and winter... tree lighting,  park cleanup just to name a few. 
 Stop in and visit this club next time you are in town, you won't be disappointed!
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