9 min read
30 Aug

First District F Cabinet Meeting August 21, 2021By Zoom
District Governor Melissa Smith called the meeting to order a 9:00 AM, and welcomed everyone to the first Cabinet Meeting. Attendance is attached. She introduced Cabinet Secretary Betty Holway and Cabinet Treasurer PCC Jon Whitman. PCC Jon reported on financial status of the DG 3 year plan on the website, this is the final year. The Zoom account was done on a month to month basis since it was unknown how long COVID would prevent in person meetings. IPDG Ray Fujiura moved and Lion Ken Allan seconded for a year contract to be paid from Escrow Account. Motion passed. PDG Melba Fujiura stated $657.00 was sent to the Escrow account from the proceeds of the Spring Conference. DG Melissa and IPDG Ray will stay on Ops account. It was noted that clubs are not paying dues as of yet. CABINET REPORTS:CARE: PDG Erma Kemp stated to check on page 10 of the MD Roster for details on this years project. Report is attached. Remember $500.00 donation to Care will receive a Gordon Smith award. CHILDHOOD CANCER: PDG Julia Hart reminded us that clubs can apply for money for emergency care. PDG Ken Allan reported the child in their area from a project last year is cancer free. We can also hold money raising projects to help with this. ENVIROMENT: PZC Judy Riggers. Report is attached. GLOBAL LEADERSHIP: PDG Ken Allan has nothing to report at this time. GLOBAL SERVICE: PDG Melba is asking clubs to report to MY LION all club service activities. She will help clubs to make reports. I will be encouraging clubs to report activities, fundraising and community events to My Lion. This serves as examples for other clubs as well as showing potential partners our dedication to service. I am available to teach other Lions to how to make those reports as well as other issues. LEADER DOGS: PDG Carol Whitman reported that the District donated $8,291.00 last year which met our goal. She is requesting clubs put Leader Dogs as a budget item each year, it costs $40,000.00 for the training and receiving a Leader Dog. LERC: PZC Sam Clayton reported that the new LERC building has shelves up and they are still working glasses. Contact Lion Sam for information on what to send or to up with him to get glasses to LERC.NW LIONS FOUNDATION TRUSTEE: PZC Chris Babin stated their will be a meeting in September. There are funds available for grants, so check out web site for grants and information. PEACE POSTER and YOUTH CAMP EXCHANGE: No reports as of now. POLICY MANUAL: PDG Paul Kauzlarich has no updates at this time. The committee still needs a third member to complete committee. Lion Paul is in his last year and PDG Lonnie Morgan is second year. VISITATION: PDG Paul Kauzlarich doesn’t feel that last year was very successful with all the letters and emails to the clubs, he was suggesting to just call and make contact with other clubs PDG Paul asked all Zone Chairman to include him in their Zone Meeting either in person or by Zoom this year. We have open cabinet positions that need to be filled, Contact DG Melissa if you know of someone or would like to volunteer yourself. The open positions are Diabetes Awareness, Contests and Awards, Spring Conference, Global Membership Team, Mental Health. PCC Jon Whitman stated that the NW Lions Leadership Institute held their training in Post Falls Idaho and 34 people attended including F-3 ZC Nadine Stecklien, She received a grant and recognition for her project to provide children’s books featuring diverse characters to "Little Libraries" around the Walla Walla area. PDG Steve Noble is MD Coordinator for Diabetes and will send reports to Zone Chairman to send on to clubs. ZONE CHAIRMAN REPORTS:F-1 ZC Tammy Allan clubs are busy and active. West Valley Lions will probably be disbanding. Naches Lions have hit the Century marker this year.F-2 IPDG Ray (unofficial covering). Most clubs are on summer break except for Sunnyside who a fireworks show and picnic bagged distribution, so people could picnic and watch from home. It was well attended.F-3 ZC Nadine Stecklien she has had no contact with the Waitsburg club at this time. All other clubs are concerned about membership. F-4 ZC Andr3ew Otteson Report is attached.F-5 ZC Lauralynn Rogers report is attachedF-6 ZC Darrell Toombs report is attached..F-7 ZC Deb Heston the clubs are on summer break.F-8 Still searching for a Zone Chairman.
OLD BUSINESS:NW LIONS FOUNDATION needs a representative. PDG David Walk has volunteered to fill the position. PDG Lonnie moved and ZC Tammy seconded to nominate PDG David Walk for the position. Motion passed. NEW BUSINESS:SUCCESSION OF LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE: IPDG Ray stated on 8-4 the committee met to discuss who is eligible for serving at 1st VDG this year. These people are being contacted to see if there is any interest. LEWISTON AND CLARKSTON LIONS CLUB MERGER: both clubs are having trouble staffing for projects so they have been helping each other on projects. They feel that a joint club would be good for the community, The new name would be Lewiston Clarkston Valley Lions. PCC Jon Whitman moved and IPDG Ray Fujiura seconded to accept consolidation of the two clubs. The motion passed. THE DISTRICT F CABINET OFFICIALLY APPROVES THE MERGER.KNIGHTS OF THE BLIND COMMITTEE: IPDG Ray stated that the committee was formed last year by Lions in Multiple District to help vision impaired Lions. October 15 is now White Canes Awareness Day, so clubs can present awareness for the cause without any donations, just information. White Cane Days will still be in the Spring as usual. LCI has redone the logo for White Canes with a change in the shape of the cane, these can be ordered for LCI at this time. District F needs a representative to this committee. For more information go to:https://www.lionsclubs.org/en/resources-for-members/resource-center/white-cane-safety-dayhttps://lionsclubsinternational.myshopify.com/products/s235MENTAL HEALTH COMMITTEE: District F needs a chairperson for this committee. DG Melissa will send information. LCIF: PDG Steve Noble is working on the project side of LCIF, we are behind in donations for LCIF. Needs are now great. Each club should have a club coordination. Lion Steve will attend Zone meetings if possible to explain. The Spring Conference donated $250.00 in the name of the ID that attended. Clubs can make donation and designate it toward $1,000.00 Melvin Jones award.MD19 REDISTRICTING PLAN: PDG Steve is District F representative. The redistricting is needed due to the dropping membership in many clubs, we no longer meet the qualifications of membership. The plan would keep District F all together, but would add part of District E. We need 1250 and this would make it happen, the clubs would go from 44 to 64 and 12 zones. The plan should be complete by the end of the year. For all the latest information: https://lionsmd19.org/redistricting.php. At the Spring Conference we will put to a vote, merely an advisory vote for DG Melissa to know our feeling, she will be voting in 2022. This will go into effect July 1, 2023 when official. The clubs won’t see any disruption, the district and zone levels will have name and number changes. DG Melissa stated that she will work on club service projects if asked and available, just let her know. The next meeting will be announced later. DG Melissa thanked all for attending. IPDG Ray moved PCC Jon seconded to adjourn. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at Noon. Submitted by PZC Betty Holway, Cabinet Secretary
IPCC Al Hedstrom; DG Melissa Smith; IPDG Ray Fujiura; PDG Melba Fujiura; PCC Jon Whitman; PDG Carol Whitman; ZC F-1 Tammy Allan; PDG Ken Allan; ZC F-7 Deb Heston; PZC Chris Babin; PZC Sam Clayton; PCC Jim Kemp; PDG David Walk; PDG Crystal Walk; ZC F-3 Nadine Stecklien; PDG Paul Kauzlarich; PDG Julia Hart; PDG Steve Noble; PDG Erma Kemp; PDG Lonnie Morgan; PZC Betty Holway

Judy Riggers for Environment: MY REPORT IS VERY SHORT AT THIS TIME. At the second cabinet meeting I am hoping to have lots of information of what the clubs are doing through our Environment. I don’t have a lot to report on for Environment but we have started our Monthly Zoom Program for Environment which I really enjoy hearing all about what the other clubs are doing. I have found that clubs are meeting in different capacities, by zoom, by telephone etc., in person just as long as they keep in touch with each other. Some ideas might be helpful for their clubs and not so much for others. But I am putting together a list of suggested environment projects and sending them out to the clubs and see if I have any takers. Ideas that have come in have been, cleaning up their roads, collecting eye glasses, plastic bags, helping with Food Banks, etc. Looking forward to hearing about other zones together information before the convention this fall. ZC Andrew Ottoson, F-4. By day (and night!) I write the sports page for the local paper which over time has connected me to a lot of interesting people in the area of Grangeville, Idaho, and beyond. These connections got me into the Lions Club here in 2015 and I've been secretary here ever since. There's a ton I could say about the Grangeville club and some of what I've seen here over time, some of which would be close to verbatim the same as what others describe and some of which I think distinguishes Grangeville from others in the zone and around the world. At 47 members, Grangeville is the largest in my zone, and has shown some ability to attract and retain new members, but has seen long-time members move on, perhaps most notably with the passing a few years ago of a Melvin Jones Lion, Dave Poncin, who was an absolute titan here and in the district. We've had past officers move on, but more often, we see members slip into inactivity with regard to the mundane upkeep and governance Lions Clubs require. Nearly all who are on the roster are good for a service project when called upon, but less than a third are regulars at the meetings where we organize three main fundraisers: two for the local club, and one, White Cane, that we do purely to boost Northwest Lion Foundation. In total there are 115 Lions in this zone, with the 47 in Grangeville and the split among the three other clubs in the zone as follows: Nezperce (28), Cottonwood (23) and Craigmont (17). I've been in touch with the new secretary in Nezperce and with the old secretary who has been secretary forever in Cottonwood, and haven't got a call back from the secretary in Craigmont. Main events for these clubs this time of year are county fairs, and I know Cottonwood and Nezperce were lining up to do their usual activities at the Idaho and Lewis county fairs, which take place, respectively, in those towns where those clubs are located. All the clubs in the zone take August off, and I haven't been able to schedule or carry out visits, yet.

MD19 District F Spring Conference closing report 2021Income:Registration #56 paid $5.00 each $280.00Raffle tickets $635.00LCIF Donations $230.00LCIF dedicated donation $ 20.00____________________________________Total $1165.00
expense: Square fee $247.00Certificates and envelopes $ 14.27Paper Statement fee $ 3.00______________________________________Total $257.27
Donation to LCIF $250.00
Profit $657.73
A cashier's check was sent to MD19 in the amount of $657.73 and was put into the District F Escrow account. Zone Chair Darrell Toombs Red Mountain- Started to meet in person in May. The club grilled for West Richland’s National Night Out. Cooked about 350 burgers and hot dogs. The next event is Harvest Festival September 18th Kennewick- no report Benton City- Sold Fireworks for the 4th of July and had a firework show for the community. Touchet/Gardena- no report

LCIF coordinator report August 2021 PDG Steve Noble Fellow lions, I am the LCIF have coordinator for district 19F. We are in year four of campaign 100 and our district is a little behind where we hoped to be at this point. That's understandable with everything we've been through in the last year however the needs of our communities have not gotten less they've gotten more. LCIF has put together training for club coordinators that would be very helpful for getting us back on track. If your club does not have a club coordinator maybe your immediate past president can take that job on. On the international level it's the immediate past international president and becomes head of LCIF. All clubs should have a coordinator if you do not specifically elect that position the immediate past president generally holds that job. There is training available for the club coordinator position I will be sending out emails to club presidents, secretaries and the LCIF club coordinator. Please consider your club becoming a model club. A model club means that your donations to our LCIF are equal to $500 per member. That does sound like a lot but that’s over an extended time. Donations from 2017 up to 2022 are included in that total. Many clubs may have already come close to reaching that goal. Please encourage each individual member to donate to LCIF even if it’s a small donation. As of this date district F has not made any donations to all LCIF but we are just early in our year.
IPDG Ray Fujiura Not sure if you knew but I am the District F representative to the Knights of the Blind Committee of MD19. We are searching for another representative but until then, I will be sending out information to you. A little history, The KOTB committee was formed last year at the suggestion of a group MD19 Lions. 0I thought that if would be a good idea to share the Mission Statement and Goals of the group so that District F members have a good understanding of what the KOTB are trying to accomplish. Along with this, I also wanted to share that Oct 15th 2021 is designated at "White Canes Safety Days" or "Blind American Equality Days. I also included information from Lions Clubs International (LCI) in regards to what Clubs in District F can do to raise awareness about the Blind. I think the important take away is that the old bend handle white cane was a symbol of disability. The new logo available at LCI states that "Lions Support White Cane Days" and the words Independence, Mobility, and Safety are bringing a message of what the blind can do, not what they cannot do. Please keep in mind, this is not to replace your traditional White Cane Days that is held in the spring, this is in addition to that to bring more education and awareness to what can and is being done.
Mission Statement: To accept and act upon the Helen Keller challenge made to Lions to become the "Knights Of The Blind," which includes the improvement of the quality of life for people who are blind and visually impaired.Goals:1. To actively interact with blind and visually impaired individuals in our local communities and listen to their needs.2. To partner with organizations of and for the blind and visually impaired.3. To increase membership and support blind and visually impaired in Lions.4. To assist where possible to obtain tools, devices, information and services to improve access for the blind and visually impaired.5. To educate and raise awareness of blindness and visual impairment in our local communities.
Zone Chairs, please share this message with the Clubs in your Zones. We are hoping that Clubs will participate in the Oct. 15th Awareness day. If you have Clubs that are interested, let me know and I do my best to get the support and information that you need. I know that committee members who are blind have been doing in person and zoom informational talks and programs.MD19 C.A.R.E. Haiti Project Snapshot Name: Community-Managed Girls’ Learning Centers Location: 20 Rural Communities in central Haiti Duration: 24 Months (Dec 2021 – Dec 2023)Funding Requested: $80,000 ($40,000 per year)CARE Contact: Dana Tseng, Email Address: Dana.tseng@care.org
Background In Haiti, many children lack access to quality, basic education. And for girls, the problem is even greater. In the Central region of Haiti, the number of girls who complete primary education is shockingly low. In 2018, more than half of school age girls in this region did not complete more than 2.5 years of schooling. This is despite the government’s pledge to strengthen public education and improve teacher training. The main reasons for children (both girls and boys) abandoning school include: parents’ inability to afford school fees; heavy household chores; lack of parental support for children at both school and home. While progress has been made in enrolling girls by the Haiti government, the number of girls who do not enroll in primary school and/or drop-out early is woefully high. The Government of Haiti is committed to strengthening girls’ education and improving opportunities for vocational training. The Ministry of Education has developed a 10-year policy and operational plan to foster collaboration across local, international and government partners geared toward advancing basic education in Haiti. CARE is partnering with the Haiti government in support of this plan to increase girls’ access to education.
Project Summary Using our decades of experience around the world in girls’ education, CARE is undertaking a new initiative in Haiti. CARE plans to establish community-led and community-managed learning centers for girls ages 10-19 who either dropped out of school or have not had a chance to attend one. Established centers will provide 9- to 12-month accelerated learning courses tailored to the realities of girls in Haiti. The centers will be equipped with learning curriculums based on CARE’s groundbreaking program called Strengthening Opportunities for Adolescents Resilience (SOAR). The centers will enroll primarily girls who were unable to either start or remain at school due to the extreme vulnerability of their parents. These learning centers will be created and managed by already-established village saving and loan associations (VSLAs) in the target communities. These VSLA groups, primarily comprised of women, have been a part of CARE’s long-term approach in Haiti to increasing economic security. For nearly 30 years in over 50 countries around the world, CARE’s VSLA model has proven itself to be a successful, adaptable platform for making transformative change in communities. Through this new initiative, CARE plans to pilot an informal education model in which VSLA groups are the primary drivers and champions. Once established, the model would operate differently than a traditional SOAR program that is fully funded by project resources. Rather, the project will build and connect local resources to set up an informal education that addresses the issues of education among disadvantaged girls in rural areas. Participation in the centers CARE Project Proposal for MD19 Lions Haiti Project Snapshot Name: Community-Managed Girls’ Learning Centers Location: 20 Rural Communities in central Haiti Duration: 24 Months (Dec 2021 – Dec 2023) Funding Requested: $80,000 ($40,000 per year) CARE Contact: Dana Tseng, Dana.tseng@care.org 2 will be based on merit among girls from extremely poor families who never got a chance to go to and/or remain in school and will require a recommendation by a member of a founding VSLA. Courses will be tailored to local realities and needs in order to prepare girls to be confident in their abilities to overcome the adversities and gender social-culture barriers in their societies, and therefore gain the basic skills needed to fulfill their dreams. Courses will be age-sensitive, with a strong emphasis on stimulating and nurturing entrepreneurial spirit among girls. Parents will play a crucial role in the project, which not only will help ensure that impact is sustainable, but also that child-parent relationships are strengthened at home and at school. The centers will support parents to build positive and supportive relationships with their children, while also instilling a culture of promoting girls’ education in the wider community. Courses will be organized in a series of two- to three-hour sessions three times a week. Each center will develop its own schedule based on community needs, with input from VSLA members. Centers will be managed by a committee set up by founding VSLAs in collaboration with their local leaders. Every center will aim to provide two courses per year for a maximum of 25 girls per class. The course will provide these girls a path to either transition them back to formal school or to vocational training to give them skills to start and grow a business. With support from MD19 Lions and other donors, CARE will implement community-managed girls’ centers in 15-20 communities in the Central region of Haiti. CARE has set up more than 300 VSLA groups in the target area, and 50% of these VSLAs are more than 2 years old, mobilizing 6,699 members – 80% women. These members have maintained a consistent pattern of saving and investment in microenterprises that have contributed to set up a voucher school feeding business with formal schools in their catchment areas. As an example of the community impact these groups can have, VSLAs – with support from the French Embassy in Haiti – set up a kitchen to provide food to school canteens. VSLA members have long expressed concerns about not being able to send their children, so they are motivated and eager to find innovative solutions that benefit their entire communities. For this pilot, the project team will help interested VSLA groups develop business plans for their individual learning centers, with a clear plan for withdrawing CARE financial support to the management of the centers within a 36-month period. From Year 2, the project will intensify business management capacity-building the founding members of the centers to provide them with the required knowledge and skills to effectively manage the centers from a social business perspective. The project will have three phases of 12 months each, starting in 2021 and ending in 2023. The proposed MD19 Lions funded project will support the initial two phases to complement and expand CARE’s VSLA work to date to address a crucial issue of girls’ education in rural impoverished communities. Key activities in the pilot project will include: • Mobilize communities. The project will engage target communities to assess the barriers to girls’ education, and mobilize community support for community-managed learning centers. • Sensitize VSLA groups on girls’ education. These meetings also will involve school management committees (SMCs) and parent-teachers associations. • Set up community-led girls’ learning centers. The project will work closely with interested VSLA groups to identify a location for the learning center, establish a good working relationship with SMCs, and develop a process for recruiting teachers and students, as well as establishing basic rules for the management of the centers. • Train VSLA members on financial literacy, business planning and quality monitoring. The aim is to build capacity among VSLAs and their partner SMCs to manage centers, as well as monitor, report and facilitate dialogue on the quality of teaching and coaching. • Improve nutrition. The project team will help develop action plans at each school for the production of vegetables to improve the availability of nutritious food in a sustainable way, using an environmental protection approach. Expected outcomes include: 3 • Increased learning opportunities for children, especially girls, from extremely poor families who don’t have access to formal school. • Functional community-managed girls’ centers that serve as a model for supporting girls’ education. • Improved parental guardianship and participation in their children’s education. Target beneficiaries Over two years, direct beneficiaries will include 1,000-1,200 learners (80% girls) who are enrolled in girls’ learning centers; and 1,500-2,000 VSLA members who go through capacity-building training, along with 200 people directly related to school management committees or parent-teacher associations. Budget Item Total Personnel $24,000 Girls’ Centers $30,500 Trainings $9,500 Office Costs $5,600 CARE USA Technical and Administrative support (13% of gift total) $10,400 Total $80,000 Thank you for your Consideration! We would be grateful to have the support of Multiple District 19 Lions, to create learning centers in Haiti where girls who have missed-out on basic schooling can catch-up on the education they have missed. By investing in girls’ education, you can change the trajectory for a girl, putting her on the path to a better future. Send C.A.R.E. Donations to: MD19 Lions Clubs International 4141 West Maplewood Avenue Bellingham, WA 98226

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