1 min read
20 Aug

Wonderful drive through the Yakima River Canyon on my way to meet the Ellensburg Lions Club. We met at the Roadhouse Restaurant at noon, and enjoyed some time learning about each other.

Ellensburg is a small club, but continues to give back to their  community. This weekend they will be providing coffee and cookies at the Indian John Rest Area.

They continue to collect eye glass to be donated to others in need. The Lions park is beautiful. I understand they are looking towards a new project with the Farmers Market in Ellensburg. 

 I would like to give a personal shout out to Past District Governor David Heath, and thank him for stepping up when the District needed him. I would also like to thank him for the much needed help he has provided,  and continues to provide to me as I begin this new journey as your District Governor. 
Ellensburg is where I grew up and it will always have a special place in my heart. I look forwards to the continued success of this club.

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