1 min read
14 Aug

August 14, 2020

Had a great lunch meeting with the Cle Elum Centennial Mountain Lions Club. The club is a little over one year old now, and are very active. Recently finished a combined project with the Westvalley Lions serving coffee at Indian John Rest Area.
President DeAnna Haverfield reported they have the final approval for Dog Days of Fall, which will help provide a new dog park for the community. On Oct 5th the club will be doing a event in the park (bring your dogs) venders, 5k walk, and after that a bbq. DeAnna said things should kick off around 2pm and last about three hours. 
If you have any questions, please email DeAnna at deanna.haverfield@gmail.com or call 425-614-6957.
Congratulations to this new club, and members who are serving their community!
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